All I want for Christmas...

So tricky, this holiday thing, sometimes.

I remember when my kids were little and they asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I would say “peace on earth”. I haven’t gotten that yet. And I keep asking!

Over the years we've played with sharing gifts of time, homemade gifts, appreciations, gratitude's and also material gifts. As my daughter recently said; we just like opening things. Boxes of tea, socks, soap, flashlights etc.

I read somewhere recently Time is Life. Not time is money. Time is our greatest gift. Time is the beating of our heart, and once it stops, we stop. It doesn’t matter how much money or material things we’ve accumulated. Time is Life.

This holiday season, I knew more than anything, I wanted time with my kids. Time to explore meaningful ideas and practices. Time to discover how we can be a part of creating a world that works for all. To have time to talk about how to hold grief for the world and gratitude for life itself. How to understand what enoughness is? How to let go of economics as our meter of success? How to have deeply fulfilling lives? How to unravel lack? How to name and offer our gifts?

We are going to meet on skype once a month and explore a book that asks some of those questions. Either Active Hope- by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, or The New Better Off- by Courtney Martin. (I’ve read them both and loved them)

Share with me your time, your attention, your heart. Your laughter and your tears. Your cares and your woes. And I’ll share mine.

Thanks P and J for giving me a gift of time!

What is your deepest want for Christmas?

Your deep heart want?

Your under the veil want?

Ask for that.

May how you use your time be life-giving to you and the world around you. 
