Beautiful OOPS

Hello Friends,

The beauty of spring abounds here in Central Oregon.

Thank you more than human world for all you provide!

Last year, around this time, my friend Victoria gave me a children's book titled 
Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg and I’ve been waiting for the right moment to share it. 

Children’s books offer life lessons in ways that bring such a smile to my heart. I wonder if they do to yours as well?

Beautiful Oops reminds us that spills, errors, accidents and mistakes can also be creatively transformed into something beautiful.

For example:

A few weeks ago I drove three of my friends to an outdoor evening meeting by the Deschutes river. 

It was a lovely night, the sound of rushing water, and bird songs. We were sitting under some majestic ponderosa trees with a light breeze moving all around.

As the meeting came to a close around 8:45 pm, and the dark of a new moon night welcomed us, we meandered to the parking lot and before we all got in I accidentally locked my keys in the car. OOPS! 

The first precious gift of the evening was that everybody just laughed. 

Luckily Casey had her phone and I called my partner Kevin to retrieve the spare keys and come help us out!

As we were standing in the now empty--except for us-- parking lot, Kira remembered that the laughter hotlines (yes there is one) evening time slot was about to begin. 

So she pressed the number, the moderator answered laughing, and we were off to the  races. 

OMG---tears were streaming down our faces, snorts were echoed, bodies hunched over knees, heads thrown back. For 15 minutes we roared and giggled and smiled and wiggled.

Then Kevin pulled in with the spare keys.
We thanked the moderator, jumped in the car, and headed home. 

Smiles and sighs. 

A memory made. 

A beautiful OOPS!!

So perhaps next time you lock yourself out of the car, or break a plate, or spill your coffee, or are really late.

Consider how to create something beautiful, or funny, or ridiculous!

Life is full of OOPS so why not consider them an opportunity for practicing transformation and adaptability!

And share your stories far and wide so others can remember too!


P.S. And here’s the laughter yoga hotline just in case your interest was peaked!

P.P.S. And a youtube video of one of Shel Silverstein's poem Everything on it, in English and Spanish!

P.P.P.S. I have openings for coaching this summer if you know anyone who would like to explore the vast expanse of wholeness and interconnected well-being---have them message me for a free consultation!