
Dear Friends,


Sending you a big warm hug. 

So much up in the world right now. 

Historic. Transformational. Challenging.

Offering a little kindness. A sense of connection feels so important.

So that is here in this little missive. 

Can you catch it in your arms?

Feel it in your heart?


In 2017 right after Donald Trump was inaugurated--Marianne Williamson hosted an event called Sister Giant. (rousing the sleeping giant of american womanhood)

It was available livestream, so I signed up. 

There were lots of inspiring speakers from all walks of life. 

One was Jean Houston

I can’t remember exactly where in her talk she said this. 

But there was a moment when she looked very deeply, and a little mischievously, at the audience and said something like, “you weren’t raising your hand to go to the bathroom when they were asking for volunteers?” 

---Meaning you and I chose to be here in this time and this place with all this happening---

A few days ago at a zoom community conversation a woman shared this same belief---If you are here now you chose to be.

It’s weirdly helpful to be reminded of that. 

To consider it’s possible I chose this? 

And perhaps you did too. 

And even if I/we didn’t choose it. 

Choice is something many of us have.

Some of us way more choices than others.

It’s important to recognize that choice is more than 2 things. It’s not either/or. It’s either/or/and neither, or both or something else completely.

I am waking up to the recognition of just how binary the English language is and it not only limits choice but is a part of what is creating more separation not more interconnectivity. Not more holding of our differences. More demanding sameness.

For instance I can choose to see people without masks as doing the wrong thing. I can see them as doing the right thing. Or I can see them as not doing right, or wrong, but doing the best they can with their understanding, belief systems, awarenesses and limitations. 

And remembering my decisions are based on those same things.

Can I hold my judgements and my curiosity at the same time?
Can I choose to do that?
And what comes from that choice?


So take this to your heart.

Or ditch it.

Or ponder it some more. 

Remember to be at choice you need three options.


What are you choosing?

How does the choice, beyond the binary conditioning of either/or, good/bad, right/wrong show up for you?

What are the choices that bring you/us closer to creating a world that works for all living being?!

Drop a line. (I adore hearing from you.)

Send an SOS. ( I will respond!)

Get quiet. 

Listen to your own soul. 

Tuck in.

All ways,

P.S. I have the sweetest writing group every Monday morning at 7:30 a.m.

Here are the last few sentences of one of the pieces I wrote this week.

---As loud as silence is. It doesn’t think but speaks so effortlessly. Oh yes. Never fear it speaks. ---