Section 1 : Reawakening

Week one: We’ll begin by reflecting on your life. And what is happening int the world, We’ll utilize the lens of wonder and curiosity. We will listen deeply to your story, together. . Exploring how culture and family and identities have shaped you and are doing so right now. We’ll take time to see where you came from, where you are, and where you want to head.

Week two: Windows of wonder. Awakening the senses as a doorway to the present moment. The senses are a way to step into presence. You’ll be invited to explore, play with and consider your life through each of them. Taste, Touch. Hearing. Vision and Smell. Utilizing the senses as an invitation to pause, be present and inhabit your life both internally and externally.

Week three: Elevated emotions. And difficult emotions. Moving from either/or to both/and. How can you welcome all emotions and not identify with them? How can feelings become the check engine light on the dashboard? We’ll talk about acknowledging, expressing, considering, wondering and the gifts of aliveness that arise as you grow into being okay with all of them.Gratitude, joy, grief and sadness.

Section 2 : Cultivating

Week four: What’s happening in your nervous system? Unpacking the basics. And why and how to practice regulating easily and often. We’ll touch on creativity, play and laughter for life. Reawakening laughter for no reason and play, well, as play. How to allow our more challenging moments to open up creativity. You are a creative being. Make no mistake about that!

Week five: Attention. Where are you placing your attention? Where your attention goes you do. Tending to the dark and the light. Grief and joy. And how that opens you to wholeness. How to cultivate an attentional direction that nourishes you with meaning and inspiration. Mind and heARTfulness explorations.

Week six: Ritual, Celebration, Ceremony and your unique way, of asking the world we cannot see with our eyes, for support. When the well is empty these are what can fill you and bring your community together. A community of nature and/or people or both. We’ll play with these beauties.

Section 3 : Engaging

Week seven: Altruism and service. The arm of our culture that generates well-being for all and increases well-being for the giver. Our desire to serve runs deep and in the busyness of the culture we often lose sight of how we serve in many moments. And is there a bigger or different service you are getting ready to offer? Simple can be profound. How do you ready yourself for change so you can move with it. Engaging in it versus letting it happen to you. How can you?

Week eight: Your soul has a role. What is the soul? Our soul can be shy. For many of us our connection to this part of ourselves was lost as a child. It’s that quiet voice that may say “this way”, or “not that” and we ignore it. How to encourage an inner relationship with it. Through nature. Through poetry, creativity, prose. Exploring your deepest gifts and how to engage them to foster greater well-being.

Week nine: Clarifying takeaway’s. Reviewing as needed. Writing up a proclamation with your revelations for daily, weekly or monthly practices. Remembering and honoring all you are. Your unique gifts! And Celebration Day!

Is Liberating Well-Being right for you?

Yes, if:

  • You are feeling a lot of anxiety and worry about the future and want a purposeful focus of healing.

  • You believe that well-being is something you can have.

  • You see this as a time of change. Both interior and exterior and are committed to getting support and doing some work.

  • You want practices, re-frames, and friendly mentoring.

  • You believe in your own innate wisdom. You want help accessing that!

  • You believe there is more than is visible.

  • You want to be a leader in well-being. And you want to feel an aliveness in your bones. A wholeness and connectedness that you sense is available.

No, if:

  • You aren’t good at follow through.

  • You aren’t interested in reflecting and asking yourself deep questions.

  • You don’t like sitting with discomfort.

  • You don’t like laughing and learning through a lens of kindness.


Am I right for you?

  • If you want to dive deep and are good with fresh perspectives and out of the box ways of viewing the world.

  • If you want support from someone who is a deep listener, kind, wise and will laugh and cry with you.

  • If you believe there is more to life than being a human. In other words you have some curiosity about soul and spirit.

  • If you want a mentor who believes in you and your innate beauty and wisdom. And will honor that.

  • If my equitable economics makes sense.

  • If you want to do deep work through a pretty awesome lens. i.e. laughter, play, wonder and deep listening.

If you answered yes to most of these, check out the link for pricing, contact me, and we’ll get going!

This program is also based on Equitable Economics Pay from the Heart. Please click on that page for fee ranges.